About forty-five minutes from the end of my drive home tonight, I got a text from my blogging brother saying the first thing I had to do upon arriving home was read FHDM's latest blog post. (Yes, I read the text while driving. I'm sorry.) I couldn't imagine anything short of an engagement announcement would create such an immediate need, so I was in a bit of a wondering state for the last leg of my drive, but it very handily kept me more awake and alert than my recent audio-book-love revival could.
I was relieved and excited to discover that the post, rather than dashing my future marital prospects, gave me an opportunity to win a copy of one of FHDM's books. My first thought was that I already owned that book and that I might be too sleepy to post something just to get a free book. My second thought was that receiving gifts is not my love language so it wouldn't really matter if FHDM gave me a book for free, but it's FHDM we're talking about here, imaginary readers. I'm pretty sure any respectable soulmate would never allow fatigue or a mild obsession with love languages to stand in the way of future happiness, so here I am posting a video and providing an amazon link
Maybe I'll give my copy away. Maybe I'll keep the paperback for sentimental reasons and let someone have my very unused hardback. I secretly prefer paperbacks anyway. Maybe I'll take so long getting the video embedded and correcting my spelling mistakes that I won't be among the first thirty anyway. But in soulmate affairs (no, not that kind of affair), one must always try. So here goes:
What story are you telling? from Rhetorik Creative on Vimeo.
I'd also like to add that my admiration for FHDM (obviously) goes much deeper than the physical, but I do think he's kind of adorable in this video. He has crinkly eyes, and I love that about him. I'd still want to be his FWES without the eye crinkles, but I'm considering them the icing on the cake.
Hope you win a book!