Monday, January 4, 2010

on my mind

Back a hundred years ago when I was very young and much less wise, I was a teacher.  Sometimes it's hilarious to remember that as a 22-year-old, I was entrusted with the instruction of about a hundred eighth grade kids.  Even more hilarious is that I was also entrusted with the "instruction" of a couple dozen juniors and seniors, who were supposed to be making a yearbook.  But that's mostly a story for never because I still have nightmares about that yearbook . . .

But I have awesome memories of my brief teaching stint, most of which revolve around hilarious times with students.  I know that teachers aren't supposed to have favorites, but I always did.  And I think that teachers who deny having favorites are usually lying.  Just sayin'.

I taught Lauren Setzler for two years and her little sister Mattie for one of those years.  And they are/were my favorites.  I love those Setzler girls.  Lauren is athletic and hilarious and giant ball of energy, and Mattie (as a 14-year-old anyway) was hyper and funny and such a good time.  Nonstop fun, the pair of them.  And I've seen them both in the years since, and they're still nice, wonderful, fun girls.  Lauren's in physical therapy school, and Mattie goes to U of A, and it sort of kills me that they're both adults because in my heart they're still 14 & 18. 

This is the only picture I can find of either Setzler girl from those bygone years.  Those are Lauren's feet and legs on the right and mine on the left.  It's not completely clear from this b & w picture, but we had matching shoes.  I do believe we took this picture with the journalism digicam while we were supposed to be taking pictures at a volleyball game.  I'm sure we took pictures of the game too.

Those Setzler girls have been on my mind.  Last Tuesday, Lauren was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  She's at UAMS and started her first round of chemo on Thursday.  You can read more about her day-to-day condition at her Caring Bridge site, that Mattie is doing an awesome job of maintaining.  I've been having to keep up with them online because I was out-of-town until today, and I'm still trying to kick the last little bit of this cold before I go and visit since sick people are the last thing Lauren needs around her and her weakened immune system right now.  I've been praying for Lauren pretty constantly since I heard the news, and she hasn't been far from my thoughts, but today, she's all I can think about.

I love this girl so much, and I'm heartbroken that she's going through this fight, but I know she'll pull through and be fine.  God and I talked about it.  But maybe, dear reader, you could talk about it with God too.  For me?  And Lauren? 

1 comment:

  1. I will pray for Lauren. I can't imagine going through that now, much less at such a young age.
    -Nicole M


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